-- {{item.currency=="CNY"?'¥':item.currency=="HKD"?'HK':item.currency=='JPY'?'Ұ':'NT'}}{{item.avaliable}}
-- {{item.currency=="CNY"?'¥':item.currency=="HKD"?'HK':'NT'}}{{item.blocked}}
Your account balance is solely based on data provided by orange connex and can be used for reference only, last updated by ({{updateDate.substring(0,16)||''}}) . eDIS and/or eBay do not garuantee the accuracy of information. Any questions regarding account balance, please contact CS@orangeconnex.com
此帐户余额是eDIS根据橙联数据所提供,最后更新时间为({{updateDate.substring(0,16)||''}}),并只作参考之用,eDIS及/或eBay对该资讯的正确性不作任何明示或默示的担保,如果你对该帐户余额有任何疑问,请通过 CS@orangeconnex.com向橙联查询。
-- Ұ{{item.avaliable}}
Your account balance is solely based on data provided by orange connex and can be used for reference only, last updated by ({{updateDate.substring(0,16)||''}}) . eDIS and/or eBay do not garuantee the accuracy of information. Any questions regarding account balance, please contact CS@orangeconnex.com
此帐户余额是eDIS根据橙联数据所提供,最后更新时间为({{updateDate.substring(0,16)||''}}),并只作参考之用,eDIS及/或eBay对该资讯的正确性不作任何明示或默示的担保,如果你对该帐户余额有任何疑问,请通过 CS@orangeconnex.com向橙联查询。
eBay ID
- {{select}}
{{item.name}} | {{item.trans}} | {{item.adoption?item.adoption:'--'}} | {{item.requirement?item.requirement:'--'}} |
The use of SpeedPAK logistics management scheme and logistics options is
Note, all content marked yellow must meet standardized requirement
{{evaluationList.startDate ? evaluationList.startDate.replace(/-/g,'') : ''}} - {{evaluationList.endDate ? evaluationList.endDate.replace(/-/g,'') : ''}}
{{evaluationList.nextEvaluationDate ? evaluationList.nextEvaluationDate.replace(/-/g,'') : ''}}
Please note that the data, properties and other data provided on this page are for reference only and are not the criteria to reflect the user's rating. We have tried our best to ensure that the data, attributes and other data are correct, but their accuracy is particularly difficult to guarantee due to their frequent changes. We do not have any of these data, attributes and other data Class. In particular, we do not make any express or implied warranty or representation as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, safety or timeliness of such data, properties and other data, as well as the suitability for use and infringement of such data, properties and other data. With respect to such data, properties and other data, we do not make any express or implied warranty or representation , we will not be liable for any error, omission or misrepresentation (whether express or implied). For any loss, destruction or damage (including but not limited to the corresponding, indirect or incidental loss, destruction or damage) caused by or in connection with the user's use or improper use or reliance on, inability to use or inability to use such data, properties and other data We are not responsible for any legal commitment, obligation or responsibility.